L25-26 - Data Analysis

* Process relevant data for meaningful interpretation of experimental results
* Present data in different types of graphs
* Using statistics and trend lines


Introduction (5 mins)
+ Teacher to ask students how would they analyze their data after collection.

Development (40 mins)

+ Teachers to highlight the awareness that different research methods require different approaches to analysis.

Conclusion (5 mins)
+ Students are given some sample data for analysis.

(a)  Histograms for category data
(b)  Curves
(c)  Straight line graphs

+ Teachers to introduce to the student's basic statistics:
(a)  taking averages, standard deviation and error bars. 

In google spreadsheets, it can be calculated using the following formulas:
A11 =AVERAGE(A2:A10)
A12 =STEDEV(A2:A10)
A13 =A12/SQRT(9) 
The above statements mean that 
A11 will give the average of the 9 entries keyed into A2 to A10
A12 will give the standard deviation of the 9 entries keyed into A2 to A10
A13 will give the standard error, which is the standard deviation divided by the square root of the number of samples. 

(b)  finding the trend lines
(c)  calculate gradient and y-intercepts for straight line graphs
Teachers can choose to use the functions to plot different types of graphs in either NUMBERS or LOGGER PRO 3http://sdrv.ms/OLCoKt

· Students are to complete their Data Analysis and obtain feedback from their teachers.
· The second lesson is for them to revise their Data Analysis section.

+ Teacher remind students that the knowledge learned in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology are relevant to the ISS data analysis skills. 

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